Adopted MAGSR Dogs

These are the most recent MAGSR adoptions. Dogs adopted prior to 2016 can be found here.


ADOPTED 03/20/2020!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 14 weeks
Color: White
Current Size: Puppy size
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Hamara cannot be any cuter and is absolutely a great little girl, happy go lucky and loves to give puppy kisses. Hamara has a lot to learn about going a good canine citizen and will require training. Please remember that puppies are a lot of work and require a lot of attention from their family - puppies are a ten to twelve year commitment. Puppies are full of energy and can be mischievous – they will whine, have accidents, get into things, and chew on inappropriate things. With time, patience, guidance and training, Hamara will become even more of an amazing girl than she already is. If interested and she sounds like a good match for your family, please submit an adoption application!

MAGSR ID: 2955


ADOPTED 09/21/2019!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 12 Weeks
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: Puppy
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Haddi cannot be any cuter and is absolutely a great little girl, happy go lucky and loves to give puppy kisses. Haddi has a lot to learn about going a good canine citizen and will require training. Please remember that puppies are a lot of work and require a lot of attention from their family - puppies are a ten to twelve year commitment. Puppies are full of energy and can be mischievous – they will whine, have accidents, get into things, and chew on inappropriate things. With time, patience, guidance and training, Haddi will become even more of an amazing girl than she already is. If interested and she sounds like a good match for your family, please submit an adoption application!

  • <p>update 1</p>
MAGSR ID: 2952


ADOPTED 02/24/2019!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 6 Months
Color: Black and tan
Current Size: 54 lbs.
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Taura came to us from a shelter where she had been surrendered for reasons unknown.  She is somewhat skittish, but at her young age with structure, socialization and training she should be able to overcome this.  She is in a foster home enjoying the comforts of a home and human interaction.  

MAGSR ID: 2949


ADOPTED 01/14/2019!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age at adoption: 2 yrs.
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 45 lbs.
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Kennel
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Riptide was originally adopted from a shelter, where he then went on to live his life on a chain with not enough food and no shelter.  This is why it is so important that anyone wanting to adopt a dog is checked out by shelters and rescues.  Riptide was promised a better a life when the shelter adopted him but that is not what he received.  That is all changed now that he is with MAGSR, we will make sure he finds a loving and caring family, that can provide him a home, a comfy bed, good nutrition and care.  Riptide's name is very fitting, he is a high energy boy that is not sure what to do with new found freedom from the chain.  He will need training and structure, along with lots of exercise.  

MAGSR ID: 2899


ADOPTED 02/06/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 15 Months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 90 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Foster
History: Owner Surrender

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Cider is going home!

Cider was surrendered to us as his former person had allergies.  His family reports that he is good with other dogs, children and cats.  He is currently in a foster home living with other dogs and children, the foster does not have cats.  He is a friendly boy and seems to have adjusted to his move quite well. 

MAGSR ID: 2873


ADOPTED 02/03/2018!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 4 months old
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 36 lbs.
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Foster
History: Owner Surrender

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes, big dogs only

Misty is home!

Misty was surrendered as she was not getting along with the small dogs in the home.  She has also never been around children so we do not know how she would be with little ones.  She is all puppy, chewing things she shouldn't (dog beds are her favorite thing to chew), still needs to learn obedience and  manners, has potty accidents, needs out in the middle of the night and oh that energy...what fun.  A good training program, along with guidance and structure will help her become a well behaved girl.  Please be sure you are in the position to commit to her for her lifetime.

MAGSR ID: 2843


ADOPTED 02/02/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age at adoption: 2 yrs
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 48 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Brio is home!

Brio came to us from a shelter.  There is some confusion with regards to his age, his records have him as 2 years old, but many feel he is much younger.  He still has many puppy mannerisms and looks like a puppy still.  He has a lot of energy that will need to be dealt with by providing plenty of exercise and playtime.  At this time he has no manners but this is something he is working on.  He has no leash skills and jumps up on people to greet them.  He is a friendly, goofy, happy go lucky boy.  Training will go along way in helping him learn all that he needs to knows.

  • <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Brio has adjusted marvelously to his new foster home. He has been consistently going to the bathroom outside and is learning to go to the door to go out. He plays well with the resident dog. The resident children love Brio and he is very gentle with the 8 year old, frequently rolling over for belly rubs and playing tug of war. Brio is energetic and requires a lot of physical activity. When he is kept busy he rarely jumps and after a little while walking on a leash will walk right by your side. Brio loves to play fetch and even brings the ball back. He sleeps in his crate at night without whining or barking. He sometimes barks while in the crate during the day because he wants to join in the activities in the house. If you are looking for a dog to play with and be active with Brio is your ideal dog. Ask to meet Brio today.</p>
MAGSR ID: 2833


ADOPTED 02/01/2018!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 7 years
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 65 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Nikia was found as a stray and ended up in a shelter.  She is a beautiful, well behaved older girl, past the antics of a younger dog.  She would be happy hanging with her family, going for strolls and being loved.

  • <p>Nikia is settling in great to her foster home. &nbsp;Her foster parents report that Nikia is a delighful dog. She loves to ride in the car and just look out the window. She walks beautifully on a leash with minimal correction ("back") to keep her from walking out front and pulling. Nikia doesn't lunge or bark at people, other dogs, or anything else - just perks her ears up and shows interest but stays quietly by handler's side. Nikia is calm around small children - she perks perked up her ears and sits nicely to watch. &nbsp;Nikia loves tennis balls and tends to hoard them, so attention to taking those away when not supervised is necessary. &nbsp;Nikia likes bully sticks too. &nbsp;Nikia will only play with a toy if it is specifically given to her for play. &nbsp;Nikia stays off the furniture unless given permission. &nbsp;Nikia follows her humans around the house. &nbsp;If Nikia sounds like a good fit for your family, ask to meet her today.</p>
  • <p>Nikia's playful nature is coming out now that she is getting more secure in her environment. She loves to ride in the car and go for walks and loves to play.<br /> <br /> She knows some basic obedience commands and is quite food motivated.<br /> <br /> Crate trained. Goes right into the crate to eat and when she wants some down time. She waits patiently by the front door and pants or softly whines when she needs to go out to relieve herself.<br /> <br /> She comes when called when she is off leash. She is very social and friendly but never jumps up on people. When she is really excited she does these little leaps in the air but not onto anyone or anything, just leaps a little bit in her own space.<br /> <br /> She is very teachable. Has already learned "back" when I want her to get behind me so I can go out the door first.</p>
MAGSR ID: 2773


ADOPTED 01/28/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 2 yrs
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 70 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Knox is going home
KnoxKnox Knox Knox Knox Knox Knox

Knox made his way to us from a shelter where he was a stray.  He is new to us so we are still learning more about him.  He is in a loving foster home enjoying the comforts of a home along with guidance and structure.  Watch for updates.

MAGSR ID: 2768


ADOPTED 01/25/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 6 mos.
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 50 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Foster
History: Owner Surrender

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Chases person loves him very much but sadly was not able to care for him.   Wanting him to find the best possible home she surrendered him to our care.  He is very much a puppy and will chew on things he shouldn't,  he is full of puppy energy and antics and needs to learn good canine manners.  Training is of course necessary and required, it will not only teach Chase good manners, but also helps build bond with his new family.  Puppies are a lot of work and take time and patience.  Please be sure you are able to commit to Chase and his needs for his lifetime.

MAGSR ID: 2835


ADOPTED 01/21/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 4 yrs
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 76 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Partially
Living With: Foster
History: Owner Surrender

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Arko is home!

Arko was surrendered as his person has a disability that kept  her from providing him with proper exercise.  He is a high energy boy who loves to play fetch and requires daily exercise to  keep his energy in check.  He is a friendly boy that enjoys spending time with his family and he is good with other dogs.  He has had some training, but will require further training with his new family.  When he gets overly excited he can become mouthy, not applying pressure or biting, but for this reason we feel it's best he not be in a home with a younger children. 

MAGSR ID: 2767


ADOPTED 01/21/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 5 years
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 78 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Hank came to us from a shelter where he was ended up for going after chickens and goats, so a home without livestock is best for Hank. He is a friendly boy and good with children.  He also gets along well with other dogs.  Hank is in a foster home enjoying a warm comfy bed, exercise and of course lots of love and care. 

  • <p>Hank is a wonderful dog and very friendly and laid back.&nbsp; Sadly, sweet Hank tested heartworm positive when seen by a MAGSR vet.&nbsp; He obviously was not kept on monthly Heartworm&nbsp;Preventatives which would have protected him.&nbsp; MAGSR will make sure Hank gets the treatment he needs to rid his body of Heartworms so that he may enjoy many more years of life.&nbsp; Treatment is expensive but Hank is certainly worth the cost.&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong><a href="/donate/chompers-legacy-magsr-medical-fund">Donations&nbsp;towards his treatment would be greatly appreciated</a></strong> – this would also help us save other dogs with medical needs.</p>
MAGSR ID: 2772


ADOPTED 01/21/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 3 years
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 112 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Yes
Living With: Foster
History: Owner Surrender

Good With Kids: Older Kids Only
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Ozzie's former person took ill and was no longer able to care for  him.  He was brought to the VA area by a family member and is now in our care looking for his forever family.  Ozzie is a very big boy at 112 lbs., he does need to loose some weight.  He has undergone formal training but will require further training with his new family.  He has not lived with dogs before but did well meeting another German Shepherd during our evaluation.  Ozzie does have the tendency to herd (nip at) children, for this reason we feel it is best that he not be placed in a home with young children.  A boy of this size can be intimating to small children and he could also accidentally knock them down.  For the most past Ozzie's former person exercised Ozzie on daily 2 mile walks and lots of games of fetch.  Daily exercise is key to  keep energy in check, so please be sure you have the time to commit to his exercise needs, training and of course a lifetime of love and care.

MAGSR ID: 2813


ADOPTED 01/20/2018!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age at adoption: 24 weeks
Color: tan with black
Current Size: 30 lbs
Housebroken: Working on it
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Foster
History: Owner Surrender

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Likely
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Bella_ProfileBella 1Bella 2Bella 3Bella 4

Bella's owners could not care for her appropriately and she spent most of her young life in a crate but all that has changed now that she is in the rescue living with a foster.  She is a puppy in every sense of the way in that she has boundless energy and is very inquisitive.  She loves to cuddle, give puppy kisses, and play with squeaky toys.   She will need work on her leash manners but she corrects easily and wants to please.  She is very much a lap dog and just wants to be close to her people at all times.  Bella gets along with dogs and kids and is just the happiest girl when given love and attention. She enjoys car rides so long as she can look out the window : )  Bella is ready find her forever home, could that be you?

MAGSR ID: 2759


ADOPTED 01/19/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 6 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 62 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes


This young handsome boy landed in a shelter and we have no idea why.  He is 7 months old, full of energy and puppy behaviors.  He is in need of training as he is lacking manners and has so much to learn.  With training, structure and guidance from his new family he will learn to be a well mannered boy.  It is obvious whoever had him for his first months of life did not take the time to teach him.  If you are looking for a young, playful, willing to learn boy and have the time to commit to ongoing training ask to meet Hoss.

MAGSR ID: 2770


ADOPTED 01/15/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age at adoption: 5 years
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 52 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Kennel
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

McGregor Adopted!

McGregor made his way to us from a shelter where he had been taken in as a stray.  We have no information about his past but our volunteers are getting to know him better.  He may be 5 years old but he has the energy of a younger dog.  He does require training as it's obvious that no one ever spent time with him teaching much.  With guidance, training and consistency he will learn what is acceptable but he needs a family to help him learn. 

MAGSR ID: 2250


ADOPTED 01/07/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 3 years
Color: Sable
Current Size: 77 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Briggs was surrendered to a shelter by his former family as he may have EPI, which is easily treatable.  They had planned on breeding him with their female Shepherds, thankfully that will not happen now.  With so many unwanted dogs in shelters we did not need more to add to those that die everyday.  We will be having Briggs tested for EPI and should he have it he will be started on enzymes, it's that simple.  He is such a friendly boy who thinks he is a lap dog.  He is good with other dogs.  Watch for updates.

  • <p>Briggs is a wonderful dog and very friendly and affectionate – he just wants his human to love and pet him.&nbsp; Sadly, sweet Briggs tested heartworm positive when seen by a MAGSR vet.&nbsp; He obviously was not kept on monthly Heartworm&nbsp;Preventatives which would have protected him.&nbsp; MAGSR will make sure Briggs gets the treatment he needs to rid his body of Heartworms so that he may enjoy many more years of life.&nbsp; Treatment is expensive but Briggs is certainly worth the cost.&nbsp; <a href="/donate/chompers-legacy-magsr-medical-fund">Donations towards his&nbsp;treatment</a> would be greatly appreciated, this would also help us save other dogs with medical needs</p>
  • <p>MAGSR has tested Briggs and he has Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI), which can be very well controlled with proper nutrition and adding enzymes to his food which helps with digestion. More information can be found at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> along with before and after pictures of dogs that have EPI.</p>
  • <p>From time to time you come across a dog whose outgoing and playful personality simply warms your heart. Briggs is that dog. An impressive and lovable boy, Briggs simply wants to be a member of the family. Since coming into his foster home, we have discovered that Briggs is very well behaved in his crate, loves toys, and takes every opportunity he can get to snuggle in for attention. At this time Briggs knows a few commands - come, sit, and paw. He clearly likes to please and will be the star of the class when it comes to training.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Although Briggs has a few restrictions at this time due to his heart worm treatment, he is a great patient and does not seem&nbsp;phased by these restrictions. As his body heals, Briggs will definitely enjoy playing with toys and socializing regularly. Briggs would love nothing more than a forever home that will provide him with the training, exercise, and love this special guy deserves. If Briggs sounds like a good match for your family, please contact your adoptions coordinator today.&nbsp;</p>
MAGSR ID: 2462


ADOPTED 01/07/2018!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age at adoption: 1 year
Color: Tan & Black
Current Size: 76 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Kennel
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Buck made his way to  us from a shelter, so we have no history on him.  In the time he has been out of the shelter Buck has been very friendly with all people he meets and enjoys the company of other dogs.  He enjoys to greet people by giving them hugs which is quite cute, but with a dog of his size he will have to learn how to properly introduce himself with all four on the floor.  He does require training, this will help him learn good manners, good leash skills and of course help him bond with his new family. 

MAGSR ID: 2525


ADOPTED 12/31/2017!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 3 years old
Color: Sable
Current Size: 89 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Older kids, over 10
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Haus came to us from us a shelter where he ended up as a stray.  He is a big handsome boy weighing in at 89 lbs and could use to put on another 10 lbs or so.  He is a loving foster home settling in nicely and enjoying his time with the resident dog.  He is a big friendly boy who is looking for a family to take him to training, provide daily exercise and proper care for his lifetime.

  • <p>I’m doing great at my fosters house. I’m house broken, I know sit, down, shake, bed and working on stay. I walk nicely on a leash and like jogging with my foster mom. I like kids but sometimes I can play a little rough so a home with older kids would be nice. I like to play fetch and I play nicely with my foster brother. I’m good at being loose in the house and with being crated. I don’t bark much (literally 5 time&nbsp;in 2 weeks) and when I doing it’s because a cat walks by the house. I’m very sweet and if you think I’m cute I’d love to meet you!</p>
MAGSR ID: 2465


ADOPTED 12/27/2017!

Gender: Female
Breed: Belgian Malinois
Age at adoption: 7 years old
Color: tan and black
Current Size: 54 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Foster
History: Owner Surrender

Good With Kids: Older Kids Only
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Sadly Beretta's former person unexpectedly passed away.  Beretta is now in a foster home settling in and adjusting to her new surroundings.  Don't let her age fool you, she had a very good vet check up, enjoys going for walks, hanging out and exploring the world around her.  Ask to meet Beretta, she will bring years of love and joy to your life.

  • <p>Hi I'm Berretta!&nbsp; I lost my&nbsp;human mommy a few weeks ago and miss her dearly, but I have so much love to give that I'm&nbsp;looking for a new family to shower with love and attention.&nbsp;I like to snuggle and I’ll sit beside you and lean my head against your leg as long you want because I love to be loved, too. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>It would be wonderful to find a home with someone who is around a lot and if they have a yard with a high fence, that would be great. If I need to be left alone, though, I’m very good in my crate.</p> <p>Even though I’m a mature lady, I can run and jump. I even liked the agility gym when I tried it out. Afterwards, I just like to sit on the couch, be petted, and watch some TV with you.</p> <p>My foster parents say that I walk beautifully on a leash, ride quietly in the car, happily socialize with other people (and even with the cats), and love to be bathed and brushed, so I don't shed much!</p> <p>I’d love to meet you! I'm a wonderful companion and a good watchdog, too!</p>
MAGSR ID: 2166


ADOPTED 12/26/2017!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 7 years
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 69 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Sage fka CandiCandi_ProfileCandi

Candi and Brandi showed up one day at a construction site, the workers fed and cared for them in hopes someone was looking for them.  They then ended up at a shelter as strays.  We are not sure if they are sisters or mother and daughter, but they do look similar.  They are estimated to be between 6 to 7 years old, Candi does look a little younger than Brandi.  They are both sweet, gentle girls who would love the comforts of a home, and the love and care of a family. 

  • <p>In the first week we brought her home, the first night she was scared, her world turned upside down, and her partner gone.&nbsp; She was sleeping and very skittish.&nbsp; By the second night she came out and started showing her personality.&nbsp; She loves to rub up against people with her head to get attention.&nbsp; When you walk her sometimes she will go between your legs for protection.&nbsp; When you walk by the road and cars come by she gets scared, but the rest of the time she enjoys walking.&nbsp; When she's around you in the house, she loves attention, is kind of goofy because she'll try to walk between your legs in the house.&nbsp; She's mild mannered and loves attention. She eats very well.</p>
MAGSR ID: 2463


ADOPTED 12/25/2017!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age at adoption: 2 Years
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 58 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Kennel
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes

Grace is home!

Grace was saved from a bad situation where she lived with out proper care and housing.  Her life has forever changed for the better and will continue to get better once she has found a family of her very own.  She is such a nice, friendly girl.  Of course she will require training with her new family, she will learn so much but most importantly Grace and  her new family will learn about each other. 

MAGSR ID: 2524


ADOPTED 12/23/2017!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age at adoption: 4 Years Old
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 50 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Olaf found his way to us after being surrendered to a shelter by his former family.  Olaf has some open sores on his body which are being treated.  The vet feels they were caused by a flea allergy and had not been properly treated.  The area on his back, base of tail and tail had to be shaved so that administration of topical medication can be applied properly.   We are hopeful with the care he is receiving that he will be healed.   Through all of this Olaf has been nothing short of wonderful.  He is such a sweet boy that deserves a chance to have a family who will provide proper care for him and lots of love.  He is in a loving foster home living with other dogs and children.

MAGSR ID: 2512


ADOPTED 12/18/2017!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age at adoption: 4 months
Color: Tan & Black
Current Size: 29 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Foster
History: Owner Surrender

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Beautiful and young Ashby was with her previous family for a short 2 months before they decided to give her up.  They expected their young child to care for her and when she didn't they surrendered her.  A pet is not and should not the responsibility of a child.  A pet needs to be the entire families responsibility as they should be a member of the family.  Ashby is now in a loving foster home where she is being properly cared for, along with being taught all that puppies need to learn.  Raising a well mannered puppy to become a well mannered adult is an ongoing process.  Puppies are a lot of work as they have accidents in the house, they will get into things and chew things they shouldn't.  They need to learn leash skills, social skills and good canine manners which is the responsibility of their human family to teach them. Be sure you have the time to deal with puppy energy and antics before committing to a puppy. 

MAGSR ID: 2523


ADOPTED 12/18/2017!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age at adoption: 8 months
Color: White & Brindle
Current Size: 36 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Adorable Corina found herself at a shelter as a stray and her time was up.  She was just too loving to leave behind to face being put to sleep.  She is all puppy, she may be younger than 8 months.  She is full of tail wags and puppy kisses with everyone she meets.  She of course will need training and a family that has the time to deal with puppy antics.  Yes, she will have potty accidents in the house and may even chew on things she shouldn't but that's what puppies do.  It is up to her family to provide guidance and teach her good manners.  Ask to meet our sweet Corina

MAGSR ID: 2452


ADOPTED 12/17/2017!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 20 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 81 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Kennel
History: Owner Surrender

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Axel came to us as an owner surrender as his persons new job has her traveling frequently for work. Knowing that Axel deserved more than she could provide she put him in our care to find him a wonderful new home. Axel has lots of energy that needs to be addressed with daily exercise. Training is on the top of his list as he wants to learn good canine manners. He is young and eager to learn.

MAGSR ID: 2311


ADOPTED 12/17/2017!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 3 Years
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 88 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Camber was picked up by animal control running at large with Lotus, their family came for them so we have no history on him.  He is a large boy at 88 lbs.  He has been friendly with those he has met.  He does require training as do all dogs, training helps teach what is expected of them, along with good canine manners.  With a dog this large you will want him to have good leash manners also.

  • <p>Camber is a wonderful house guest in his foster home and very friendly and affectionate.&nbsp; He is making himself at home and his foster family is happy having him. Sadly, sweet Camber tested heartworm positive when seen by a MAGSR vet.&nbsp; He obviously was not kept on monthly Heartworm&nbsp;Preventatives which would have protected him.&nbsp; MAGSR will make sure Camber gets the treatment he needs to rid his body of Heartworms so that he may enjoy many more years of life.&nbsp; Treatment is expensive but Camber is certainly worth the cost.&nbsp; <a href="/donate/chompers-legacy-magsr-medical-fund">Donations towards his treatment</a> would be greatly appreciated – this would also help us save other dogs with medical needs.</p>
MAGSR ID: 2453


ADOPTED 12/17/2017!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age at adoption: 5 years
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: Small
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Yes
Living With: Foster
History: Owner Surrender

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Four years ago Shelly was adopted by a wonderful family who love her dearly.  Sadly her human mom has a terminal illness and can no longer care for her so she was returned to us.  Her loving foster family says she is the perfect pup, crate trained, obedience trained, housebroken, walks well on leash, great with dogs, cats and kids.  You couldn't ask for an easier dog.  Please consider Shelly, she wants to have a family and home of her very own once again.

MAGSR ID: 2460


ADOPTED 12/16/2017!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 1 year
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 78 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Kennel
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes, with proper introduction


Rocky came to us from a shelter where he was waiting for his owner.  Unfortunately that day did not come.  Rocky is now in our care looking for a new family who will care for him for his lifetime.  He is a friendly boy, takes treats gently, likes to chase a ball but has quite mastered fetch yet.  He doesn't get an A+ for leash walking, but nothing that training can't correct. 

MAGSR ID: 2487


ADOPTED 12/16/2017!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age at adoption: 7 months
Color: Black
Current Size: 56 lbs
Housebroken: Yes
Obedience Trained: Working on it
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Skipper is an adorable 7 month old Shepherd mix puppy.  He is full of puppy playfulness, antics and love.  Yes he needs training, guidance and direction from his family as he has so much too learn.  He is looking for a family who will commit to him for his lifetime, provide him with a love, comfort and lots of playtime. 


  • <p>Update: ​Hi, I'm Skipper. I'm a young pup with lots of energy. I like&nbsp;sniffing all the things outside, chasing balls, chewing rawhide bones,&nbsp;getting belly rubs,&nbsp;going on long walks and car rides. I'm housebroken, and so far I know the command, "Sit." I have a lot more to learn, but I'm currently&nbsp;being taught&nbsp;a couple more commands.</p>
MAGSR ID: 2172


ADOPTED 12/15/2017!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age at adoption: 8 weeks
Color: Cream
Current Size: Puppy
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Morgan is one of Guinevere’s “Knights of the Round Table” puppies, who was found in a field very pregnant and gave birth to 7 puppies in a shelter. Morgan cannot be any cuter and is absolutely a great little boy, happy go lucky and loves to give puppy kisses.  Morgan has a lot to learn about being a good canine citizen and will require training.  Please remember that puppies are a lot of work and require a lot of attention from their family - puppies are a 10-12 year commitment.  Puppies are full of energy and can be mischievous – they will whine, have accidents, get into things, and chew on inappropriate things.  With time, patience, guidance and training, Morgan will become even more of an amazing boy than he already is.  If interested and he sounds like a good match for your family, please submit an adoption application for Morgan!  Morgan will be available for adoption on December 10th at 8 weeks old!

MAGSR ID: 2415


ADOPTED 12/15/2017!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age at adoption: 8 weeks
Color: Cream
Current Size: Puppy
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Laynette is one of Guinevere’s “Knights of the Round Table” puppies, who was found in a field very pregnant and gave birth to 7 puppies in a shelter. Laynette cannot be any cuter and is absolutely a great little girl, happy go lucky and loves to give puppy kisses.  Laynette has a lot to learn about being a good canine citizen and will require training.  Please remember that puppies are a lot of work and require a lot of attention from their family - puppies are a 10-12 year commitment.  Puppies are full of energy and can be mischievous – they will whine, have accidents, get into things, and chew on inappropriate things.  With time, patience, guidance and training, Laynette will become even more of an amazing girl than she already is.  If interested and she sounds like a good match for your family, please submit an adoption application for Laynette!  Laynette will be available for adoption on December 10th at 8 weeks old!

MAGSR ID: 2414


ADOPTED 12/11/2017!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age at adoption: 8 weeks
Color: Tan & White
Current Size: Puppy
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Gareth is one of Guinevere’s “Knights of the Round Table” puppies, who was found in a field very pregnant and gave birth to 7 puppies in a shelter. Gareth cannot be any cuter and is absolutely a great little girl, happy go lucky and loves to give puppy kisses.  Gareth has a lot to learn about being a good canine citizen and will require training.  Please remember that puppies are a lot of work and require a lot of attention from their family - puppies are a 10-12 year commitment.  Puppies are full of energy and can be mischievous – they will whine, have accidents, get into things, and chew on inappropriate things.  With time, patience, guidance and training, Gareth will become even more of an amazing girl than she already is.  If interested and she sounds like a good match for your family, please submit an adoption application for Gareth!  Gareth will be available for adoption on December 10th at 8 weeks old!

MAGSR ID: 2416


ADOPTED 12/11/2017!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age at adoption: 8 weeks
Color: Tan
Current Size: small
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Elaine is one of Guinevere's “Knights of the Round Table” puppies, who was found in a field very pregnant and gave birth to 7 puppies in a shelter. Elaine cannot be any cuter and is absolutely a great little girl, happy go lucky and loves to give puppy kisses.  Elaine has a lot to learn about being a good canine citizen and will require training.  Please remember that puppies are a lot of work and require a lot of attention from their family - puppies are a 10-12 year commitment.  Puppies are full of energy and can be mischievous – they will whine, have accidents, get into things, and chew on inappropriate things.  With time, patience, guidance and training, Elaine will become even more of an amazing girl than she already is.  If interested and she sounds like a good match for your family, please submit an adoption application for Elaine!  Elaine will be available for adoption on December 10th at 8 weeks old!

MAGSR ID: 2406


ADOPTED 12/11/2017!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age at adoption: 8 weeks
Color: Tan
Current Size: small
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Ragnell is one of Guinevere’s “Knights of the Round Table” puppies, who was found in a field very pregnant and gave birth to 7 puppies in a shelter. Ragnell cannot be any cuter and is absolutely a great little girl, happy go lucky and loves to give puppy kisses.  Ragnell has a lot to learn about being a good canine citizen and will require training.  Please remember that puppies are a lot of work and require a lot of attention from their family - puppies are a 10-12 year commitment.  Puppies are full of energy and can be mischievous – they will whine, have accidents, get into things, and chew on inappropriate things.  With time, patience, guidance and training, Ragnell will become even more of an amazing girl than she already is.  If interested and she sounds like a good match for your family, please submit an adoption application for Ragnell!  Ragnell will be available for adoption on December 10th at 8 weeks old!

MAGSR ID: 2407


ADOPTED 12/10/2017!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age at adoption: 8 weeks
Color: White
Current Size: small
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Lucan is one of Guinevere’s “Knights of the Round Table” puppies, who was found in a field very pregnant and gave birth to 7 puppies in a shelter. Lucan cannot be any cuter and is absolutely a great little boy, happy go lucky and loves to give puppy kisses.  Lucan has a lot to learn about being a good canine citizen and will require training.  Please remember that puppies are a lot of work and require a lot of attention from their family - puppies are a 10-12 year commitment.  Puppies are full of energy and can be mischievous – they will whine, have accidents, get into things, and chew on inappropriate things.  With time, patience, guidance and training, Lucan will become even more of an amazing boy than he already is.  If interested and he sounds like a good match for your family, please submit an adoption application for Lucan!  Lucan will be available for adoption on December 10th at 8 weeks old

MAGSR ID: 2409


ADOPTED 12/10/2017!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 10 mos.
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 54 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Kennel
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Balto came to us from us a shelter where he had been surrendered for reasons unknown.  He was surrendered with his sister Luna.   Balto is friendly and outgoing, he enjoys playing with balls, romping around and spending time with his humans.  He is young and requires training so that he can learn good canine manners along with walking on leash nicely.  He will need a lifetime commitment from his adopters, guidance and care.

MAGSR ID: 2461


ADOPTED 12/10/2017!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 7 years
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 72 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: Unknown
Living With: Kennel
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Brandi and Candi showed up one day at a construction site, the workers fed and cared for them in hopes someone was looking for them.  They then ended up at a shelter as strays.  We are not sure if they are sisters or mother and daughter, but they do look similar.  They are estimated to be between 6 to 7 years old, Candi does look a little younger than Brandi.  They are both sweet, gentle girls who would love the comforts of a home, and the love and care of a family.  

MAGSR ID: 2464


ADOPTED 12/10/2017!

Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Age at adoption: 8 weeks
Color: White
Current Size: small
Housebroken: No, I'm a puppy!
Obedience Trained: No, I'm a puppy!
Living With: Foster
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Yes
Good With Cats: Yes
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Lancelot is one of Guinevere’s “Knights of the Round Table” puppies, who was found in a field very pregnant and gave birth to 7 puppies in a shelter. Lancelot cannot be any cuter and is absolutely a great little boy, happy go lucky and loves to give puppy kisses.  Lancelot has a lot to learn about being a good canine citizen and will require training.  Please remember that puppies are a lot of work and require a lot of attention from their family - puppies are a 10-12 year commitment.  Puppies are full of energy and can be mischievous – they will whine, have accidents, get into things, and chew on inappropriate things.  With time, patience, guidance and training, Lancelot will become even more of an amazing boy than he already is.  If interested and he sounds like a good match for your family, please submit an adoption application for Lancelot!  Lancelot will be available for adoption on December 10th at 8 weeks old!

MAGSR ID: 2408


ADOPTED 12/09/2017!

Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Age at adoption: 10 months
Color: Black & Tan
Current Size: 56 lbs
Housebroken: Unknown
Obedience Trained: No
Living With: Kennel
History: Shelter

Good With Kids: Unknown
Good With Cats: Unknown
Other Dogs OK: Yes


Lotus came to us from us a shelter where she had ended up as a stray.  She is a young, beautiful and friendly girl.  She enjoys playing with other dogs.  She is full of puppy energy and playfulness.  She is a looking for a family who will commit to training with her, provide her with daily exercise and proper care for her lifetime.  

MAGSR ID: 2450

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