Will You Help Change Lives With MAGSR?
Thank you! Your decision to support MAGSR helps each dog you see on our website!
Or please Print and fill out the information below to mail in your with your gift!
Yes I want to help change a dog's life by helping MAGSR. Enclosed is my gift of:
__ $1,000 __ $500 __ $250 __ $100 __ $50 __ $30 __ or your choice $_________
My Name: ___________________________________________________
My Address:_________________________________ City/State/Zip ___________________________
Phone ( ____ ) ________-_____________ Email address: ___________________________________
If this is a dog sponsorship, please indicate the dog you would like to sponsor___________
Please Make checks payable to MAGSR · PO Box 353 · Mt. Airy, MD 21771 · bookkeeper@magsr.org
(Click here for a printer friendly version of the above form ==> Donation form )
Thank you for your special gift of financial support.
If your employer matches charitable contributions, please ask them for the form to send to MAGSR so you gift can be matched and MAGSR will effectively receive your donation twice!
MAGSR is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity, so your gifts are tax deductible.
If you are a Federal Employee!
Please help the dogs through CFC.

Donation Codes in Our Areas:
Conmbined Federal Campaign: 99138
Maryland Charities Campaign: 52-2191320
There are so many ways that you can help at MAGSR. Just like you there is no doubt we’ll have a number of unplanned needs come up at MAGSR over the next 12 months. It is your help through fostering, volunteering, and your regular financial support that will help others know the joys we have experienced through our fur families As you can imagine our biggest expenses are vet and boarding, so our biggest needs are foster homes and donations. All your donations are tax deductible.